Generating Production Assets

By default, most SiteChef themes come with a ready-made Gulp asset pipeline which is automatically compiled on sitechef serve. Assets are also recompiled on filechange using either Gulp-Watch or using Jump-Up, a watcher and desktop notifier.

N.B. if you have not recently executed sitechef serve, remember to run gulp before sitechef publish to ensure that your assets are compiled


The configuration for which assets are compiled is contained in gulpfile.js and imports different scripts from the gulpTasks/ directory.


To keep frontend code reusable and modular, default themes on SiteChef come setup with a Browserify pipeline.

Individual modules are compiled into a single javascript file which is written to dist/js/app.js. It is then minimified using Uglify.js and written to dist/js/app.min.js.

The default entry point for compilation is js/app.js

The compilation process can be altered in gulpTasks/gulp-js.js


With Browserify one can import a module into a script with the CommonJS syntax:

var myModule = require('./myModule.js');

It is also possible to include NPM modules using the Node.js require syntax, although they must first be installed with npm install

var async = require('./async.js');

In order to be able to use a function in another module, you must set the module.exports variable:

// in myFunction.js
module.exports = function(){
  // do something clever

This can now be used in app.js like follows:

// app.js
var myFunction = require('./myFunction.js');



Most SiteChef modules are written in Coffeescript and are usually extensible using coffeescript class - extends syntax.

Coffeescript files are compiled like the javascript files above: first compiled with Browserify, then minified with UglifyJS

The default entrypoint is coffee/' and files are compiled todist/js/app.jsanddist/js/app.min.js` respectively.

N.B. If you use coffeescript be sure to comment out the js gulp task in gulpfile.js otherwise your app.js may be overwritten


SASS/SCSS is only compiled for the purposes of previewing your theme locally using sitechef serve. The production stylesheets are compiled on the SiteChef servers on a per-customer basis. Read More about SCSS compilation here

The temporary SCSS files are compiled to the tmp/ and are not uploaded to the server on sitechef publish.

The configuration file for compiling SCSS is by default gulpTasks/gulp-sass.js

This should not require modification.

Frontend Templates

Backend html templates can be used on the frontend by compiling them to javascript.

They are compiled to javascript by Nunjucks in order to render faster and so that only the nunjucks-slim.js is required instead of the larger nunjucks.js

Every template that you wish to use on the frontend must be included in the array in gulpTasks/gulp-template.js

The Gulp task will then render each template to javascript, concatenate them into dist/js/template.js then minimify to dist/js/template.min.js

Edit the array frontendTemplates in the gulpTasks/gulp-template.js file :

// list any templates
// used on the frontend here
// NB ensure that you add all
// templates included by otherh templates
var frontendTemplates = [