Data Structure
Core Data
Every page is templated with the following data structure
You can view your theme data in your data snapshot file at .sitechef/data.json
uid integer
the internal id of the site
environment string
if running locally or production
assetsRoot string
the absolute url of the assets folder of your theme (this will be the dist/
imageRoot string
the absolute path of the user-uploads CDN
assetsRoot string
The absolute root of the dist
folder once published
siteRoot string
The absolute root of the theme
storageRoot string
the absolute root of any user-uploaded documents
logo string
html for the logo
logoUrl string
the absolute url of the standard resolution logo
pageType string
The type of page being rendered
- this is the landing page
- any child of the frontpage
- a static page describing a user-uploaded image/video
- a static blog post *
- permalink page for a special offer
preferences struct
list of user-set variables
socialMedia array
User social media links
specialOffers array
Special Offers:
specialOffer struct
Array of any valid special offers
meta struct
user-specific configuration automatically generated
menu array
the main site navigation hiearchy with nested children
menuChildren array
If the current page has children, they are listed here - useful for submenus
content struct
data about the current page
voucher struct
data about the current voucher (only available through voucher.html
and voucherEmail.html
template entrypoints)
emailSettings struct
data about the current voucher (only available through voucherEmail.html
template entrypoints)*
Preferences Struct
Preferences are user-generated options
currentTemplate string
active template name
siteLogo string
relative url of logo to image root
siteLogo_2x string
relative url of logo for retina to image root
comingSoon bool
whether or not the site is coming soon
restaurantName string
restaurantDescription string
restaurantGeo object
Latitude and longitude of restaurant for maps and geo-tagging
lat float
lng float
address1 string
address2 string
postcode string
phone string
email string
official venue email (not the users's)
openingHours string
googleAccount string
google analytics account code
twitter string
twitter handle
instagram string
instagram url
facebook string
facebook page url
SocialMedia Array
Links to user's social media services
These are not always available and
vary according to whether the user has entered them
facebook string
twitter string
instagram string
pinterest string
email string
Meta Struct
Server-generated user settings
favIcon string
absolute path of the favicon
logo string
rendered html of the logo
isMobile string
is this being viewed on a mobile device - only works in production *
imageRoot string
Absolute root of the CDN for user content
siteRoot string
absolute path of site root
customJS string
frontend javascript variables
templatePreferences struct
User options selected by the current user
colours struct
user colour options by id
fonts struct
user font options by id
variables struct
user colour options by id
Menu Array
Nested site hierarchy for rendering the navigation
Menu struct
Menu Struct
A Cut-down version of the Content Struct
id int
id of page
importance int
higher number pages appear first order
name string
name /title of page
url string
slug or relative url of page
path string
absolute url of page
published bool
whether or not the page has been published
isExternal bool
is this an external link
showOnMobile bool
display this page when viewed on mobile
showInFooter bool
display a link to this page in the page footer
level int
is frontpage, 1
subcategory, 2
child of subcategory
parent object
information about the parent item of this menu
id integer
children array
Menu struct
Content Struct
The core content for the current page
Below descriptions are for pages of type subcategory
- other page types eg post
relate to their relevant struct
id int
the unique id of this page
name string
Page title - what appears in the navigation
description string
the page summary
body string
the body with widgets rendered - use in preference to rawBody *
rawBody string
body before widgets have been rendered
parent struct
id int
Id of the parent page
items array
Item struct
uri string
the absolute path form site root eg /gallery
url string
slug for this page eg. 'gallery'
level int
what level in site hierarchy:
- Front page
- Child of Front page *
- Child of child of front page
type string
the current page format - use the format
integer in preference
as this is internationalized
format int
the current page format
- Gallery
- Blog
- Food Menu
- Stream - ie raw data from instragram
- Static Page *
- External Link
- Contact Page
showOnMobile bool
display this page when viewed on mobile
showInFooter bool
display a link to this page in the page footer
linkImage string
absolute path of the image to use when external sites show a preview of this page
featuredImage struct
featured image for this section (Image)
htmlTitle string
text for the brower tab title
metaDescription string
text for the meta description for the page
lastUpdated string
date formatted YYYY-MM-DD hh:ii:ss
customSettings struct
[OPTIONAL] this is contingent on page type
galleryType string
Type of gallery: carousel
or mosaic
location object
Location override
blogPosts array
Only present when format
is 1
Blog Post struct
blogPageTotal int
Only present when format
is 1
total number of blog pages
prevBlogPage string
Only present when format
is 1
url to previous blog page
nextBlogPage string
Only present when format
is 1
url to next blog page
foodMenu struct
Only present when format
is 2
id integer
menus array
meal A meal e.g. Breakfast
customFields struct
key-value hash of custom data for this page
fieldKey string
: struct
key-value hash describing custom field types
fieldKey string
Item Struct
Data for an image or video
id int
id of the item
title string
Image/Video Title
description string
Image/Video Description (can contain HTML)
type string
the type of item
- a jpeg
- html5 video hosted by SiteChef
- a youtube video to embed
- a vimeo video to embed
tags string
User-tagged data
slug string
url to static version of this item
image struct
Image Data
video struct
Youtube/Vimeo Metadata
videoData struct
Image Struct
Data for accessing different versions of images
large struct
large image (max 1200px)
src string
Absolute path of large image
mobile struct
mobile image (max 600px)
src string
Absolute path of mobile image
thumbnail struct
thumbnail image (max 200px)
src string
Absolute path of thumb image
raw struct
The raw original image if the original was png/gif/pdf
src string
Absolute path of raw original image
ratio float
width-height ratio of image = height / width
focus struct
user-selected position of most importance
x float
0-1 - 1 is far right, 0 far left
y float
0-1 - 1 is top, 0 bottom
Video Struct
Data for embedding youtube/vimeo videos
id string
youtube|vimeo id
type int
Type of video
- Vimeo
- Youtube
Video Data Struct
This is only available when item is an HTML5 video
baseName string
unique filename base
versions struct
available video versions
mp4High struct
Best quality mp4
mobile struct
low quality mp4
webM struct
high quality webm
thumbnails struct
auto-generated thumbnails
HTML5 Struct
This is automatically generated by Zencoder
id string
unique id for video
url string
absolute path to video
duration_in_ms int
total duration of video
height int
height in px
width int
width in px
thumbnails array
label string
images array
url string
format string
dimensions string
Special Offer Struct
A Special Offer
id int
blog post id
slug string
the url fragment for this offer
featuredImage struct
featured image for this section (Image)
title string
Offer title
description string
Offer description
tAndCs string
HTML-formatted text for Terms And Conditions relating to offer
htmlTitle string
text for the brower tab title
metaDescription string
text for the meta description for the page
validFrom string
date formatted YYYY-MM-DD hh:ii:ss
validTo string
date formatted YYYY-MM-DD hh:ii:ss
updatedAt string
last saved date
Blog Post Struct
An individual blog post
id int
blog post id
body string
raw body before widgets have been rendered
N.B. use renderedBody
instead for templating
category_id int
the id of the parent page
featuredImage struct
featured image for this section (Image)
gallery array
list of images for the gallery
Item struct
htmlTitle string
text for the brower tab title
metaDescription string
text for the meta description for the page
postDate string
date formatted YYYY-MM-DD hh:ii:ss
published bool
whether page has been published
renderedBody string
body to display once widgets have been rendered
slug string
url fragment for this post
link string
absolute href of this post
summary string
text summary for blog pst
tags string
comma delimited list of tags
title string
Blog title
customFields struct
key-value hash of custom data for this page
fieldKey string
: CustomFieldStruct The format of this struct is structured according to what is described in customFieldDescription
customFieldDescriptions struct
key-value hash describing custom field types
fieldKey string
: CustomFieldDescription Struct data as described in customFieldDescriptions
updatedAt string
last saved date
Meal Struct
One of the meal menus on a food menu page
id int
meal id
published bool
whether page has been published
title string
Title of the meal e.g Breakfast
description string
An optional description about this meal contains HTML *
content string
The meal data type:
where dishes/courses are itemised
for free text
courseOrder array
list of courses if contentType dishes
Course struct
body string
raw body text if contentType text
timePeriod string
, afternoon
, evening
publishedDate string
Date meal is set for
updatedAt string
last saved date
Course Struct
A section in a meal e.g "Starters"
id int
course id
title string
course title e.g. Pasta
description string
course description - can contain HTML
dishOrder array
list of dishes in this course
Dish struct
Dish Struct
An individual dish in a meal e.g "Poached Eggs"
id int
dish id
title string
dish title e.g. Roast Beef
ingredients string
list of ingredients eg 'potatoes, hollandaise sauce, fennel'
price string
price e.g. '£10.50' or '10.50' etc
Voucher Struct
The data for templating voucher.html
and voucherEmail.html
id int
System id for voucher
price float
Price of the voucher
currency string
3 letter currency code
senderName string
Name of the voucher sender
addressee string
Person to whom voucher is being given
message string
Message on voucher
code string
Voucher code that can be used in the restaurant for redeeming the voucher
webHash string
Long, random identifier of the voucher (for generating url for voucher) - would be
Email Settings Struct
The global settings for sending voucher emails
purchasedMessage string
Message from staff in email, e.g 'Thank you for buying a voucher from us'
senderEmail string
Email address email will be sent from *
senderName string
Name of the email address it will be sent from
Custom Field Description Struct
This struct describes the types that are to be expected in the customField
id: string; // the field key in the `customFields`
description: string; // a human-readable description of the field
type: 'gallery' // an array of images
| 'image' // a single image
| 'checkbox' // a boolean
| 'text' // a simple string
| 'file' // a file struct
| 'formattedText' // a text string which is raw HTML
| 'complex' // an array of elements defined in `fields`
primaryField: string; // when the type is `complex` this is the field of the `fields` array which each result is indexed by
fields: [ // when type is `complex` we define an array of subfields which apply to each item in the list
id: string; // field key
description: string; // human readable description
type: 'text'| 'image' | 'formattedText' | 'checkbox' | 'gallery' | 'file'
Custom Field Struct
A flexible data format for custom data
The corresponding data type for each custom field is defined in customFieldDescriptions
The types are one of:
Text Field
// ...
customFields: {
// ... other fields
textField:"some text"
customFieldDescriptions: {
// ... other fields
textField: {
description: "A Text Field"
type: "text",
Image Field
// ...
customFields: {
// ... other fields
imageField:{ // image struct
large: {
src: string;
mobile: {
src: string;
thumbnail: {
src: string;
raw: {
src: string;
ratio: number;
focus: {
x: number;
y: number;
customFieldDescriptions: {
// ... other fields
imageField: {
description: "An uploaded image"
type: "image",
Checkbox field
// ...
customFields: {
// ... other fields
checkboxField: false,
customFieldDescriptions: {
// ... other fields
checkboxField: {
description: "A boolean field"
type: "checkbox",
Complex Field
This is a store of custom lists of multiple structured items need to be added to a page
customFields: {
aComplexArray: [
title: 'item-1',
description: '<div>some formatted <span>html</span></div>',
title: 'item-2',
description: '<div>some other formatted <span>html</span></div>',
customFieldDescriptiosn: {
aComplexArray: {
id: 'aComplexArray',
description: 'Your Items',
fields: [
id: 'title',
type: 'text',
description: 'title',
id: 'description',
type: 'formattedText',
description: 'Description',
primaryField: 'title',