SiteChef comes bundled with a number of frontend libraries that will save you a lot of time when interacting with assets uploaded by SiteChef users

These libraries are free to use and modify on any SiteChef-hosted site.

If you have any questions please get in touch at [email protected]

Library Index


  1. ImageLoader -- Removes loading spinner and lazy-loads images

  2. JQuery CleverCrop -- Sets (crops) an image/video/element within

  3. Resizer -- resizes an image/video/element to fit inside a container Useful for overlay/lightbox images

  4. CarouselGallery -- Easily create an animated carousel which dynamically plays HTML5 videos as part of the slideshow

  5. HTML5Video -- Templates and binds a playable HTML5 video

  6. VideoClick -- Replaces a placeholder image for a video with an auto-playing Youtube/Vimeo/HTML5 video player

  7. ImageRotator -- Alternates a class 'current' after a delay between child elements. If element is a video, waits for video to end.

Frontend Templating

  1. StripLoader -- Asynchronously loads 'strips' for a horizontal scrolling website. Great for making a 'single page' website with multiple sections that are divided into 'pages' in the backend. See for and example
  1. HistoryScroll -- Scrolls to a 'strip' and changes HTML5 History. Integrates with StripLoader

Integration With 3rd Party Services

  1. Analytics -- Listens to clicks to any anchor and registers it with Google Analyitcs

  2. Newsletter -- Binds a newsletter form to submit correctly to the SiteChef Mailchimp integration

  3. Twitter -- Dynamically loads a user's twitter feed via the SiteChef Twitter integration

DOM Utilities

  1. Swipes -- Provides swipe/drag/touch functionality

  2. SimpleParallax -- Provides parallax scrolling for an element inside another

  3. HeightFix -- Uses javascript to create responsive 'square' elements where height is proportional to screen width

  4. ScreenHeight -- Lock an element to a percentage of the screen height

  5. Styled Dropdown -- Creates a touch-friendly responsive dropdown