JQuery CleverCrop

Positions images so that they appear cropped according to a focus point selected by the SiteChef user.

CleverCrop uses a user-selected "focus" point to set the position of an element within a parent element which has overflow: hidden


Assuming that you have used the imageBuild macro to render the image html

1. Add the script src tag

Ensure that the file jquery.cleverCrop.js or jquery.cleverCrop.min.js is in your dist/js folder and that jQuery is included before

Add this tag to your scripts section:

<script type="text/javascript" src='{{ assetsRoot }}js/jquery.cleverCrop.min.js'></script>

2. Execute the function on a jQuery element

Example rendered HTML:

<!-- parent div must have overflow set to
'hidden' and position to 'absolute' or 'relative' -->
<div class="parent" >
    <img src='myImage.jpeg' data-focus='{x:0.2,y:0.8}' data-ratio="0.6" class="my-image">




The plugin takes a number of optional overrides


 parent: $('.another-parent'), // override for parent

 onResize: true, // {Boolean} bind to resize

 focus: {x:0.4,y:0.6}, //override focus

 crop: true, // crop image or fit

 refresh: function(){} // callback on done