JQuery CleverCrop
Positions images so that they appear cropped according to a focus point selected by the SiteChef user.
CleverCrop uses a user-selected "focus" point to
set the position of an element within a parent element
which has overflow: hidden
Assuming that you have used the imageBuild
to render the image html
1. Add the script src tag
Ensure that the file jquery.cleverCrop.js
is in your dist/js
and that jQuery is included before
Add this tag to your scripts section:
<script type="text/javascript" src='{{ assetsRoot }}js/jquery.cleverCrop.min.js'></script>
2. Execute the function on a jQuery element
Example rendered HTML:
<!-- parent div must have overflow set to
'hidden' and position to 'absolute' or 'relative' -->
<div class="parent" >
<img src='myImage.jpeg' data-focus='{x:0.2,y:0.8}' data-ratio="0.6" class="my-image">
The plugin takes a number of optional overrides
parent: $('.another-parent'), // override for parent
onResize: true, // {Boolean} bind to resize
focus: {x:0.4,y:0.6}, //override focus
crop: true, // crop image or fit
refresh: function(){} // callback on done