Image Loader

Notifies when images have loaded

Additionally performs lazy-loading so images are not loaded until section of screen visible and removes loading spinners


To lazy load the image: 1. Set the src to a transparent image 2. Set the image url in the data-src tag 3. Add the lazyLoad class 4. Optionally refer to a spinner to remove when loaded by class in the data-spinner attribute


 <div class="container loading">
   <img class="my-images lazyLoaded" src="blank.png" data-src="" data-spinner=".my-spinner">
   <div class="my-spinner"></div>


 var ImageLoader = require('./'),
     loader = new ImageLoader({
       selector: $('.my-images'),
       callback: function($myLoadedImage){
         // my image has loaded
         // so remove loading class from parent


var loader = new ImageLoader({
   * {string} class name of images loaded lazily
  lazyClass: 'lazyLoaded',

   * {integer} timeout in ms to wait for loading
  maxWait: 7000,

   * {integer} number of pixels below viewport
   *           when considered in view
  inViewOffset: 200,

   * {JQuery Element} jQ selector for image(s)
  selector: false,

   * {JQuery Element} jQ selector for container where scroll
   * changes are observed
  scrollSelector: $(window),

   * {Function} callback when image is in view
  inView: function($image) {},

   * {Function} callback when image has loaded
  callback: function($img) {
    return $img.parents('.loading').removeClass('loading');