
Rotates the class current over a series of child divs at a given interval.

Useful for creating image carousels

If an element contains an image with the data-content-type="html5" tag it will ignore the interval and wait for the 'videoEnded' event on the image


Requires to have images nested inside divs and to work with video, data-content-type must be set:



<div class="carousel-container">
  <div class="item-1 item">
    <img src="" data-content-type="image">
  <div class="item-2 item">
    <img src="" data-content-type="html5">
    <!-- video logic -->
  <div class="item-3 item">
    <img src="" data-content-type="image">


var ImageRotator = require('./');
var imageRotator = new ImageRotator({
  // target element
  item: $('.carousel-container .item'),
  // class to mark if element visible
  currentClass: 'my-current-class',
  // wait between change (ms)
  interval: 3000,
  // wait for html5 video to end before moving onto next item
  waitForVideo: true,
   * callback called when an item is set to 'current'
   * function is called with jQuery selector of element
  callback: function($item){