Strip Loader
For use in websites where the content for each of the subpages of the landing page is loaded in horizontal "strips".
This is to be used on the landing page. It dynamically loads and templates the content for each of the first level children of the landing page.
Strips are loaded dynamically so that the SEO benefits of having separate URLs for each subsection of the website are not compromised
For the StripLoader to work it requires the following libraries:
- JQuery 1.9+
- Lodash/Underscore
- Nunjucks Slim (dev/prod)
- All Nunjucks templates used in redering strips must be pre-rendered and included in the html. (See Frontend Templating for explanation)
Create a holder div on the landing page template:
<div id="new-strips"></div>
Require and instantiate the Strip Loader library with the array of menu "children" (see Menu Struct)
Ensure that 'nunjucks-slim.min.js' is included both in the html
and in the dist/js
var StripLoader = require('../lib/');
var myLoader = new StripLoader(
menuChildren, // menu children is from menu struct above
{ // options - see below
loadedCallback: function($row){
// '$row' is the strip that has just been loaded
1. While Loading
The "new-strips" div will be populated with
<div class="strip-holder loading"><div class="icon icon-spin"></div></div>
for each page to be loaded
2. When Loaded
The full templated page will replace the above "holder"
The striploader can be started with the following options:
var myLoader = new StripLoader(
menuChildren, // array of data - menu struct
* Callback function called when
* a strip has been templated and loaded
* into the DOM.
* @param {Object} JQuery element for the row
loadedCallback: function($strip){
* The css selector for the container
* of the strips
appendLocation: '# my-strip-container',
* The endpoint for the ajax request
* for the category (must end with trailing /)
endpoint: 'api/category/',
* Callback when all rows have been loaded
allLoadedCallback: function(){},
* Callback called when error in AJAX fetch
errorCallback: function(err){},
* raw html used as the "strip" placeholder
* while the data is being loaded and templated
holderHtml: '<div class="strip-holder loading"></div>',
* the path of the template to be
* used for the pageStrip
* N.B. this template *MUST* be pre-rendered
* and included for frontend-rendering
template: 'pageStrip.html',
* Site Root URL
siteRoot: '/',
* By default ajax loads are throttled
* to this value in ms
templateDelay: 100 // 100ms