Styled Dropdown

Uses ul tag to create a styleable dropdown as a replacement to a standard html select


Require the javascipt after JQuery

  1. Add an html5 data attribute data-dropdown to the parent element with the selector for the input
  2. Inside the parent include an unordered list where each li item has data-value and the value that will be assigned to the hidden input
  3. Include an element with the class dropdown-result which will trigger the dropdown options and display the result


   <div class="container" data-dropdown=".input-value">
     <input type="hidden" name="actualResult" value="Default Value" class="input-value">
     <div class="dropdown-result">Default Value</div>
     <ul class="dropdown-options">
       <li data-value="value-for-1">Option 1</li>
       <li data-value="value-for-2">Option 2</li>
       <li data-value="value-for-3">Option 3</li>

   <!-- Just include the script after jQuery and it'll run -->
  <script type="text/javascript" src='{{ assetsRoot }}js/styled-dropdown.js'></script>

When the dropdown-result div is clicked a class dropdown-active is added to the container


    .container {
        position: relative;
        width: 250px;
        // list is by default
        // hidden and only appears
        // when the 'dropdown-result' element is clicked
        // when
        ul {
            display: none;
            // ensure that it's position absolute
            position: absolute;
            right: 10px;
            margin-top: -6px;
            z-index: 10;
        &.dropdown-active {
            ul {
                display: block;

Asynchronously Loaded Dropdowns

The styled dropdown script exports the function $.styledDropdowns to the jQuery object

Any dynamically loaded modules can be instantiated with $('.my-new-dropdown').styledDropdowns()