
Provides Swiping/Panning and translate interactions on top of Hammer.js

Most useful in galleries where you want an image to follow your touch

N.B. Requires Hammer.js included in the html.

Hammer.js IS NOT IE8 compatible so only include it within an an IE Conditional tag



<div class="my-element">
    <div class="my-move-element"></div>


var Swipes = require('../lib/Swipes.coffee');
var swipes = new Swipes({
    // element that touch is bound to
    target: $('.my-element'),
    // element that will be translated
    moveElement: $('.my-move-element'),
    // only listen in the horizontal direction
    direction: 'horizontal',
    // function to be executed on swipe
    leftCallback: function(velocity){
        console.log('Swiped left!');


Use the following options to tailor the swipe response

var options = {
   * Selector for the element
   * to bind the touch interactions to
   * @var {String|JQueryElement}
  target: ".overlay-item",

   * Selector to translate on move
   * @var {String|JQueryElement}
  moveElement: ".overlay-item",

   * Minimum move after which translate action
   * should be recognised
   * @var {Integer} pixels
  minMove: 20,

   * @var {Boolean} should the 'moveElement' be translated
  moveTranslate: true,

   * @var {Boolean} fade the 'moveElement' out as it is translated
  moveOpacity: false,

   * @var {Integer} after this number of pixels, relevant callback is called
  moveLimit: 130,

   * @var {Float} translate by touch-change * this amount
  moveMultiplier: 1.2,

   * @var {String} 'both'|'vertical'|'horizontal' respond to directions
  direction: 'both',

   * @var {Boolean} dont automatically bind
  dontBind: false,

   * @var {Boolean} lock drag to axis
  lockToAxis: true,

   * @var {Integer} debounce the callbacks by this in ms
  debounceTime: 750,

   * @var {Function} on swipe/drag right callback
  rightCallback: function(pixelSpeed) {},

   * @var {Function} on swipe/drag left callback
  leftCallback: function(pixelSpeed) {},

   * @var {Function} on swipe/drag up callback
  upCallback: function(pixelSpeed) {},

   * @var {Function} on swipe/drag down callback
  downCallback: function(pixelSpeed) {}

var swipes = new Swipes(options);