
Uses image data to replace a placeholder image for a video with an auto-playable HTML5/Youtube/Vimeo video


Template HTML:

Use the imageBuilder.html macro in the templates/defaults folder to create an image with a 'play button'

  {% from 'defaults/imageBuilder.html' import imageBuild %}
  <div class="image-item">
    {{ imageBuild(item, 'my-placeholder-image') }}

N.B. Ensure that the nunjucks-slim.js is included in the frontend and that the templates defaults/html5video.html, defaults/youtube.html and defaults/vimeo.html are exported in gulpTasks/gulp-templates.js


  var VideoClick = require('../lib/');

  var videoClick = new VideoClick({
    selector: $('.image-item .videoPlay'),
    end: function($div, data){
      console.log("User has finished playing video");


  var options = {

     * @var {String} src of vimeo video manager
    vimeo: '',

     * @var {String} src of youtube api
    youtube: '',

     * @var {String} cdn src of video js
    html5: "",

     * @var {JQueryElement} Element to bind click to
    selector: $('.videoPlay'),

     * default templates to use
     * when building the players
    template: {

       * @var {String} youtube template
      youtube: 'defaults/youtube.html',

       * @var {String} vimeo templtae
      vimeo: 'defaults/vimeo.html',

       * @var {String} html5 template
      html5: 'defaults/html5video.html'

     * Callback when video bound and
     * any external (api) libraries loaded
     * @var {Function}
    loaded: function() {},

     * @var {Function} called at the end of the video
    end: function($playDiv, data) {},

     * @var {Function} called on playback progress
     *                 (not always available on all platforms)
    progress: function($playDiv, data, e) {}

  var videoClick = new VideoClick(options);