SiteChef uses SASS to generate CSS. SCSS files are currently compiled using version 3.1.2 of node-sass


See the SASS website for a full SASS guide.

There are two variants of SASS: scss which is not indented and follows the conventions of css more closely and sass which is indented, but arguably faster to write

Important Variables

In order to link your production assets (images, fonts, etc) with your production stylesheet it is important that you use our inbuilt variables when specifying asset paths

1. imageUrl(<your-image.png>)

If you want to refer to any images in your dist/img/ folder in your SCSS files use the SASS shorthand function imageUrl() and inside the path of the image relative to the dist/img/ folder.


.container {
  background: imageUrl(mybackground.png) top center no-repeat;

when in production will render to

.container {
  top center no-repeat;

2. $assetsRoot

This is a string of the absolute root of your dist/ folder when in production.

If you are linking images, please use the above imageUrl() function in preference.

The most common use-case would be for linking fonts in the dist/font/ directory


@font-face {
  font-family: "Bespoke Font";
  src: url($assetsRoot + "fonts/BespokeFont.eot");
  font-weight: normal;
  font-style: normal;

will render in production to

@font-face {
  font-family: "Bespoke Font";
  src: url("");
  font-weight: normal;
  font-style: normal;


CSS Stylesheets are generated from the SCSS files in the scss/ directory.

SiteChef creates SASS variables for each of the design options that the user has selected at

The CSS file included on the user's website is generated from two files:

  1. defaults.scss
  2. theme.scss

The user's overrides for colours, fonts and options are injected as SASS variables in between (1.) and (2.).

See the documentation about the theme.json for instructions for setting the variables users can alter in the online theme editor.


This file should contain any variables that users might overwrite in the online theme editor.

For example, if in your theme.json file you have defined the colour bodyFont:

      "name":"My Demo Theme"
          "name":"Body Font Colour"


You might set it to be blue as a default. If the user selects an alternative colour, $bodyFont will be overwritten.

Your defaults.scss would include:

$bodyFont: blue;


The theme.scss is the main entry point for your theme. In order to keep your scss file structure simple, we recommend that you keep this file small and include other SCSS files for each section of the website.

For example:

// My Demo theme: theme.scss

@import 'foundation'; // import the foundation framework

// set some styles for the html tag
html {
  margin: 0;
  height: 100%;

// import all of the subsections

@import 'navigation'; // this assumes you have another file
//  'navigation.scss' in the same folder

@import 'headers'; // styles for the header tags

Included Libraries

SiteChef bundles three external libraries which should not be added to the scss/ folder. They can all be accessed by the @import statement:


Bourbon is a SASS mixin library that simplifies repitious css generation like vendor-prefixing

The current Bourbon version used by SiteChef is 4.1.0


@import 'bourbon';
p {
  @include box-sizing(border-box);

will generate the following css

p {
  -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
  -ms-box-sizing: border-box;
  -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
  box-sizing: border-box;


Foundation is a frontend css framework that simplifies the creation of responsive websites that work across multiple screen dimensions.

SiteChef only bundles the SCSS for Foundation so if you plan to use their frontend javascript functionality, make sure to add their scripts to the dist/js/ folder in your theme.

The current version of Foundation used by SiteChef is 5.5.2

To import foundation:

@import 'foundation';
// override any of the default foundation
// settings
$button-font-family: 'Verdana';


Bootstrap is aguably the most popular frontend css framework. Like Foundation, it also speeds up the development process when creating responsive websites and saves time when styling form elements and alerts.

Like Foundation, SiteChef does not automatically bundle Bootstrap's frontend javascipt files, so remember to save them to the dist/js folder before publishing your theme.

The current version of Bootstrap Sass used by SiteChef is 3.3.3

To import bootstrap:

@import 'bootstrap';