Folder Structure

The command sitechef init downloads and expands your selected theme locally.

This is the default theme folder structure:

gulpfile.js   # Settings for Gulp asset compilation
package.json  # Node.js configuration file
preferences.scss # Auto-generated scss file with your site preferences
theme.json    # Editable Configuration for the theme (see below)
.sitechefrc   # Settings for the sitechef CLI (see below)
coffee/       # Any source coffeescript files to be compiled by gulp # Entry-point for compiling coffeescript assets
dist/         # the public folder made available to website visitors
  css/        # Any additional css files NOT generated by SCSS files
  js/         # Compiled javascript/coffeescript files
  img/        # Any image files required by the theme (NOT user content)
gulpTasks/    # Individual settings for gulp tasks eg. template creation...
js/           # Any source javascript files to be compiled by gulp
    app.js    # Entry-point for compiling Browserify frontend assets
lib/          # Any 3rd party libraries used in coffee/js compilation
sassLibraries/ # Any 3rd party SCSS/SASS libraries used in SCSS compilation
scss/         # SCSS Stylesheet files - customise the style here
    defaults.scss  # The theme defaults which can be overriden by a user later
    theme.scss     # The main scss file for the theme
    ...            # Other scss/sass files included in theme.scss
templates/    # HTML template files
    index.html # Main entry-point for the theme
    comingSoon.html # Entrypoint for when 'coming soon' is set to on
    voucherEmail.html # template for generating the voucher email receipt
    voucher.html # template for the voucher
    ...       # other html files included in index.html
.sitechef/    # Configuration data for sitechef [Do not edit]

Config Files

For information about how to edit the config files see:

Version Control

As yet, SiteChef does not offer any inbuilt version control so executing sitechef publish will overwrite the existing theme.

We highly recommend you use version control in order to prevent inadvertent data loss. Our initial setup comes ready for GIT.

If you are not familiar with version control, we recommend that you try GIT. Atlassian have created SourceTree which is easy-to-use desktop version of GIT that integrates nicely with Bitbucket or Github which both offer free hosting of repositories. Bitbucket offer free private repositories.

The default SiteChef themes come ready with a .gitignore file, prepopulated to ignore temporary files like "tmp", "node_modules" and the SiteChef configuration directory ".sitechef"